
Note: This schedule is tentative and may change at any point in time leading up to the event without notice.

Heroku's Bike-as-an-Awesome

Tuesday May 27th, 2014

Meteor Shuttles from Jacksonville International Airport to Amelia Island

The Microsoft Astronaut's Welcome Reception 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Wednesday May 28th, 2014

The Olark Significant Others Track - 9:30AM - 5:00PM

Conference Track

Conference Track

Time Houston Track Cape Canaveral Track Huntsville Training Track
7:30AM Hot Breakfast, Coffee, and Registration
9:00AM Opening Remarks by the JSConf US Curators
9:30AM Neil Green
Writing Custom DSLs
Zach Carter
Armchair Type Theory
JS Fundamentals: Objects, Arrays and Functions
10:00AM Jenn Turner
Lessons in Emotional Safety FTW
Ron Evans
Cylon.js: The JavaScript Evolution Of Open Source Robotics
11:00AM Travell Perkins
Battle Hardened Node.js for the Enterprise
David Catuhe
Unleash 3D games with Babylon.js
Raquel Velez & Friends
NodeBots: LIVE!
12:00PM Nico Bevacqua
Front End Ops Tooling
Matthew Whittemore
Social Tables Swaziland
Scopes and Closures: demystified with pictures
12:30PM Mark DiMarco
User Interface Algorithms
Matthew Bergman
Health Myths We Tell Ourselves in Tech
1:00PM Lunch
1:30PM Nick Bray
Native Code on the Web?
John Riviello
The Truth About Your Web App's Performance
2:00PM Ryan Paul
Composing frontend Web applications with MontageJS
Tomasz Janczuk
On the edge of Node.js and CLR
2:30PM G. C. Marty
Play DVDs in JavaScript for the sake of interoperability
John Hann
Introducing RaveJS: Zero-config JavaScript applications
3:00PM James Long
Unshackling JavaScript with Macros
Ben Newman
Yield Ahead: Regenerator in Depth
Crash Course in Node.js
3:30PM Break
4:00PM Marco Rogers
Finding Patterns Across Front-end Frameworks
Matt Robenolt
Everything is broken, and I don't know why!
WTF is 'this'?
4:30PM David Calhoun
Realtime Satellite Tracking in the Browser
Edward Kim
Engineers as Makers, Not Order Takers
5:00PM Jenn Schiffer
What's the Harm In Sorting: Sanitizing Inputs For More Optimized JavaScript
Christopher Chedeau
Why does React Scale?
Prototype Chains
5:30PM Closing Remarks from the JSConf Team

The Salesforce Space Station Invitational 7:00PM - 11:00PM - Meet at the Magnolia Ballroom Tram Stop (right outside)

Starry Night Campfire
9:00PM - 11:00PM

Thursday May 29th, 2014 - Day of Activities

NodeRockets Event - Amelia Ballroom - 9:00AM - 6:00PM

NodeBoats Event - Amelia Ballroom - 9:00AM - 6:00PM

NodeBots Event - Amelia Ballroom - 9:00AM - 6:00PM

NodeCopter Event - Amelia Ballroom - 9:00AM - 6:00PM

The Poolside

The Beachside

Golf Tournament - Meet at Marshview Bar and Grill - 8:45 AM

Segway tour of Amelia Island - Meet at Amelias Wheels - 10:00AM, 1:00PM, 3:00PM based on your ticket

The Amazing Scavenger Hunt - Meet at Amelias Wheels - 10:00AM

Kayaking down the Amelia River - Meet in Magnolia Ballroom Parking Lot - 8:30AM or 12:00PM

Starry Night Campfire
9:00PM - 11:00PM

Friday May 30th, 2014

The Olark Significant Others Track - 9:30AM - 5:00PM

Conference Track

Time Houston Track Cape Canaveral Track Huntsville Training Track
8:00AM Hot Breakfast and Coffee
9:00AM Opening Remarks by the JSConf US Curators
9:30AM Guy Bedford
Package Management for ES6 Modules
Poornima Venkatakrishnan
Template Specialization with Express Apps
Asynchronous Execution and Event Systems
10:00AM Jake Verbaten
NPM-style Frontend
Josh McClain
Black Magic APIs
10:30AM Angelina Fabbro
Improving 2D & 3D Canvas Performance on the Web, One Frame at a Time
Oytun Sengul
Architecture of Cross-Platform Native App Development
11:00AM Jordan Matthiesen
Modern mobile app tool-chains
Kyle Lambert
Make It Pop: Visual Design Simplified
11:30AM Christoph Burgmer
Hacking a HTML renderer in plain browser-side JS
Kate Hudson
Contributors Wanted: Encouraging Diversity in Your Open Source Project
Code Sharing Techniques
12:00PM Ryan Florence
Dan Silvestru
Distributed Complex Computing Using Node.js
12:30PM Forrest L Norvell
Learning ES6 as a Community
Jordan Santell
Signal Processing with the Web Audio API
1:00PM Lunch
2:00PM Spike Brehm
Building Isomorphic Apps
Mikeal Rogers
Simplified Node Deployment
2:30PM David Nolen
Immutability: Putting The Dream Machine To Work
Marcy Sutton
Accessibility of Web Components
3:00PM Bodil Stokke
Reactive Game Development For The Discerning Hipster
Jeff Morrison
JavaScript Unit Testing with Jest
Crash Course in Backbone.js
3:30PM Break
4:00PM Kassandra Perch
Modular Application Architectures in Javascript
Kevin Whinnery
Designing Modules for the Browser and Node with Browserify
Secrets and Lies about JavaScript classes
4:30PM Kawandeep Virdee
Open Web Art: JavaScript for Interactive, Collaborative, and Hackable Art
Adam Fortuna
eval everything - Running student code at Code School
5:00PM Brian J. Brennan
Being Human
John-David Dalton
Fearless Browser Testing
5:30PM Closing Remarks from the JSConf Team and the JSConf US Family Photo

Bloomberg's 3..2..1 Blast-off Dinner
7:00PM - 11:00PM

Starry Night Campfire
9:00PM - 11:00PM

Saturday May 31st, 2014

Booster Brunch
9:30AM - 2:00PM

Come enjoy brunch food with everyone at JSConf as a final gathering. The internet can be a stressful place and programmers often make it worse, but here at Relax.js you can hang out with some of the best and brightest and have a wonderful conversation over pancakes. Plan the rest of your day, show off some Node(Rocket|Bot|Boat|Copter) moves, or just discuss modules; whatever your final goals, the key is finish out the event happily. Go to the front desk and ask for a tram to the Amelia Island Club!

Meteor Shuttle from Amelia Island to Jacksonville International Airport

Time to head home! Our shuttles are ready to take you back to reality by way of Jacksonville Airport. Details for the shuttles and other modes of transportation to the airport are available here.

We hope you have experienced new things, made lasting friendships, and thoroughly enjoyed yourself. Maybe we will see you in December for RobotsConf?